2008-2010_Research program Map(happening) on Roma settlements in Italy.

International workshops for students of architecture, anthropology, and fine arts

in partnership with Ohio State University school of Architecture, Iowa State University Rome Studio of Architecture. and New Jersey Institute of Technology,


Stage: in progress

Barcaiola, Turin

Triboniano, Milan


to help non-Roma realise the European character of Roma culture

to better understand the architectural/spatial needs of Roma within their current living situations in the city of Rome

cultural exchange and mutual recognition of issues of identity

The situation of Roma and Sinti in EU is difficult from many points of view. Map(happening) EU-ROMA is a multidisciplinary and multimedia activity, focusing on living and housing conditions in Italian cities. We will begin by building a knowledge base to propose future interventions into Roma camp-cities, guided by experts in Roma culture and using anthropological, social, architectural and artistic research.

Map(happening) begins by considering the main concerns expressed by Roma. Working groups will collect and assess existing problems of living in Roma settlements. Previous research does not take into account the great heterogeneity to be found among Roma, Sinti, Kalè, Manush, etc, from different countries with distinct cultural habits, who are often placed together in one site.

A bottom-up cultural cooperation is called for to investigate the potential social and spatial implications of this situation.

Study activities will also rely on spending time and socializing in Roma dwellings, since it is necessary to strengthen contacts and knowledge from inside.

Our project is:

To analyze and get to know temporary forms of habitation which exist in several Roma camps in and around the city of Rome

To develop strategies to include informal methods of design in the development of the contemporary multicultural metropolis

To demonstrate, through reports and mappings, the results of our inquiry into this crisis,

To employ bottom-up decision-making and participation in the design of lived spaces

bath and sauna

interior of a shack

Monachina map
