laboratorio architettura nomade

is a group of thinkers, artists, and architects experimenting, through the production of projects, events and workshops, with new research concepts and ideas about urban life and built environments.

LAN is a no profit association founded in 2004 for the research and diffusion of art and architecture.


Piazza E. De Nicola 46  –  s c a l a  A  i n t . 7 1   –   8 0 1 3 7  –  N A P O L I

c.f. 95077670636

tel. & fax +39 081 459420‬



kyong park

daniela allocca

alice bartoli

martin devrient

giacomo faiella

cristiano luchetti

pietro nunziante

maria luisa matera

alessandra schisa

mario francesco simeone

alberta testa

alexander valentino