1986 student in photography at Akademie der Kuenst Berlin. 1997 he graduates in Architecture at the Federico II University of Naples, one year Erasmus in the Bauhaus Weimar. Works as interior designer on renovation projects in Naples, simultaneously supporting a city movement for the protection of industrial landscapes threatened with demolition (Bagnoli). Between 1999 and 2000 attends a master course at the Bartlett School of Architecture London. Collaborates in the UK on radical architecture projects: RAV / Trangressive Architecture. Founds CODOTUA,a space for artistic events, Balham, London. In 2001 he moves to Rome and collaborates with various architecture offices: Fuksas / Ian + / Ma0. He is a m ember of Stalker (2002-06) and co-founder of the Osservatorio Nomade for which he coordinates On/Corviale, On/Egnatia, On/Roma; he produces and curates exhibitions: Kunstwerke Berlin, Palais in Tokyo Paris, Triennale of Milan, Museion in Bolzano. In 2004 with Pietro Nunziante and Cristiano Luchetti he founds the lan-nomadic architecture laboratory. He collaborates with various North American university programs: Waterloo University, Ohio State University, Iowa State University, University of Washington, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, University of California, Cornell University. 2007-09 coordinates the European Roma Mapping research project funded by the European Agency EACEA on housing conditions of the Roma population in Europe, curates the exhibitions of the work in the Royal Institute of Architecture London / Royal Wool Mill Naples / National Museum of Conteporary Art Bucharest / Giardini Biennale of Architecture Venice, curates the summary book edited by Black Dog Publishing. 2013-15 he is facilitator for Romact-Romed, EC Social Inclusion Programs in favour of the European Roma Population, founded by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. From 2015 to 2017 co-coordinates the ROMACT Program in Italy, managing relations with National, Regional and City Administrations, and coordinating local programs and policies targetting Roma Communities. From 2019 he coordinates teh CoolCity project.