The animation describes the history of Naples, from his origins until today. Hoping that CoolCity will push for a restauration of a nature friendly modern NewCity
chiatamone – riscoperta delle storiche sorgenti di acqua ferrata
Focus on the water of Agnano
Summer Workshop 2023
Il Vuoto Proprio – videoclip documentaries – 2018-19
Paolo e le storie del Parco Famiglietti, oggi via Ottavio Molisani
Durante il laboratorio 2_Sanità-Capodimonte, nella cornice del porgetto Il Vuoto Proprio, il gruppo di lavoro ha incontrato e parlato con gli abitanti delle zone interessate, questo è il racconto di Paolo – During the workshop 2_Sanità-Capodimonte, in the frame of the project Il Vuoto Proprio, the working group met and spoke with the inhabitants of the selected areas, this is the story of Paolo
Vico Panettieri
Monitoring the selected sites in the antic center of Naples for Il Vuoto Proprio, here in vico Panettieri, by the high wall hiding the garden behind.
Piazzetta Giganti
This is one of the selected empty spaces for the project Il Vuoto Proprio, in the Ancient Center (Centro Antico) of Naples
Piazzetta Giganti
Monitoring the selected sites for the Project Il Vuoto Proprio, here in piazzetta Giganti.
Il Vuoto Proprio – vico Gerolomini (vico Squarciafico)
Once upon the time, there was a shortcut going from vico Gerolomini to piazzetta Giganti in the antic center of Naples. Giants and big person used to walk trough, even Gianbattista Vico resident in vico Gerolomini 15 was one of those.
Mrs Rosaria_Il Vuoto Proprio
La signora Rosaria è nata in vico dei Giganti 88 anni fa e ha una buona memoria. Brevemente ci descrive alcuni episodi della sua vita che raccontano degli spazi oggetto della nosta attenzione e della sua vita nel quartiere – Mrs. Rosaria was born in Vico dei Giganti 88 years ago and has a good memory. She briefly describes some episodes of her life that tell of the spaces, subject of our attention, and her life in the neighborhood.
EU-RoMa – videoclip documentaries – 2007-09
A young Kosovan refugee comes to a small Romanian willage to meet his wife, a family arranged marriage.
The Khorakhanè displaced in Castel Romano fear for lack of security systems and Local Authorithy support.
Vasile wants to go back to his home country, Romania, he believes he can manage and open a small enterprise in Calaraci.
In the Triboniano, the biggest Roma Camp in Milan, a labour likes to talk about his life and personal prospective.
La Monachina, spontaneous settlement next to the Appia Road, is one of the most finest Roma neighbourhood in Rome, just a quick drive around it.
During the speech of the EC Commissar a protest spreads among all the participants.
The large settlement of Gazejia in Belgrade during the winter. Interviews and a glimpse at the neighborhood.
In Giugliano In Campania by Naples a large Khorakhanè refugee Community lives surrounded by all sort of dumping areas.
The Hadzovic has been living in the Giugliano for some times now, this his their point of view.
A young woman, still happy for her new container flat complains for the lack of water, the tap leaks just a few hour a day a few drops. Architecture student of professor Karen Berman are listening.
The Kalderasha are the finest Roma handcrafts. Ancient knoledge and few hours of accurate work for a baptismal font perfectly refurbished.
razzismo ed igiene a Castel Romano
Kids are often subject to racist behaviour in school. A social officer explains.
Inside an abandoned polluted factory a small willage has grown. One of the residents of the Roma Community explains about the situation.
Claudio Marta con EU-RoMa in Rome
Claudio Marta, expert of the Italian Roma Issues at the Coucil of Europe, introduces the Roma Housing Issue in Italy for EU-RoMa.
This is the house of a poor man in a small village in Romania.
Castel Romano Roma Settlement has been just opened, the police doesn’t need an invitation.
A racist attack has already happened in Ponticelli, this time the firemann bragate comes right in time and prevents other new tragedies.
The SNIA Viscosa has been abandoned for a long time, this former factory is today squatted by different groups. A view at the occupies spaces and a short inteview to a non Roma resident.
Roma Squatting in Torre Annunziata
A young Pope explains the living of the Roma group residents of an ancient building, next to the port of Torre Annunziata by Naples.
Inside an abandoned factory in Rome, people have built their homes, sheltered by a decadent wooden roof, the women are cooking all together for the entire group.
The Quanat in Paermo 2010
Periferia Toscana
Costellazione Corviale – ON_Corviale
Where is the Berlin Wall?
walking wave – walking away