Roma social exclusion, analysis and outcomes.

Since 2007, lan conducts research and projects to improve living conditions of Roma People troughout Europe. With a multidisciplinary approach, partnering with Roma and non Roma experts, universities, established and unformal platforms and organizations, human rights activists, the laboratory covers the sphere of the house considering all the weak links that contribute to social exclusion: work, education, healthcare, and not least,  antiziganism which is still very strong towards these populations.

To increase actions and to support the European and the National Framework Strategy (Com. n.173, 05.04.11) for Roma and Travellers Social Inclusion, and to suggest innovative answers to the complicated situation,  lan proposes an integrated planning study, essential for scheduling solid interventions, diversified and organic solutions.

ROMAlanDIA_external lessons

The dissertation gives an overview of the main issues that orbit around the Roma Population, in Italy as in the rest of Europe. The topics touch on issues concerning the environment, urban planning, integration and social policies adopted by many different administrations in the various regions of Europe. Through a series of images. pictures, drowings, maps,  exhibiting a series of projects and consequences relating to such interventions. The lesson also includes the exposure of the main legislative references related to the Roma Issue, the solutions recommended by the European bodies, the improvements achieved in some specific groups of this large population, the most disadvantaged minority in Europe. The workshop has a duration of 120 minutes and is supported by the projection of about 500 images, clips selected by more than 70 video, graphics quality, panels, maps and photographs.

ROMAlanDIA_one day program in lan’s headquarter:

The seminar takes place at the headquarters of lan. Visiting lans’ laboratory means to enter in contact with the environment surrounding the research group, breathing the air of the hardworking and open society of this neighbourhood, understanding the meaning of a multicultural and globalized society. Starting point of lans’ projects and continuous unavoidable environment study, the area of the Sava wool factory, near Porta Capuana, hosts the program implementation ROMAlanDIA. lan operational base is located in the complex of St. Caterina a Formiello, now an integral part of one of the oldest industrial sites in Europe, dating fifteenth century. The former Lanificio-Sava hosts a variety of programs, from artists and architects offices, to artisan workshops, deposits of oriental merchants, a dance school, apartments and more. ROMlanDIA takes place in two days and articulates with theoretical and practical lessons, interspersed during the 20-hour program. During the workshop students will closely work with the group of speakers-cultural mediators of the Forum Campania Rom, an active association for the implementation of policies in favour of Roma. The participation of experts of the community is of prime importance for the program. lans’ philosophy requires an asserted participation of community beneficiaries. Learning the most critical issues experience by the Roma minority, through meetings and direct testimony, will facilitate the maturation of thought of how lan intends to address the various chapters of the study.